Szu-Han Ho

Lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Szu-Han Ho’s work in performance, sound, and installation explores the relationship between bodies and sites of memory. She often works collaboratively, through collective action, structured improvisation, and group composition. Recent projects include MIGRANT SONGS, a choral performance art piece incorporating stories and songs of human and nonhuman migration; BORDER TO BAGHDAD, an exchange between artists from the US-Mexico border and Baghdad, Iraq; and Shelter in Place, a sculptural installation and performance inspired by her family’s history in Taiwan. Szu-Han has lived in Albuquerque for ten years and has had a deep connection through family ties in New Mexico for much longer. She is currently an associate professor in Art & Ecology in the Department of Art at the University of New Mexico. 

While at Tamarind Institute, as part of the City of Albuquerque Tipping Points project, Ho worked with Tamarind Student Printer Austin Armstrong.


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