Work With Us

Tamarind Education

Collaborate with Students

Tamarind Institute invites applications for artist collaborations with its skilled student printers. Three guest artists will be selected to participate in two-week residencies in the workshop, each working with a team of student printers under the close supervision of a Tamarind Master Printer. Participating artists will create two print editions as outlined in the Call for Proposals, with the printers providing guidance on the materials and all technical aspects of the printing process. No printing experience necessary.

Applications are due October 30, 2024 for the following spring program.
Apply Now > (waiting for link?)

Outreach to University Print Programs

Sharing Tamarind Proofs for Hands-On Learning

Tamarind has a portfolio of proof prints to circulate among university print programs, with the idea of offering students firsthand experience viewing Tamarind lithographs. Our objectives are to expand access to fine prints, share our knowledge (stories and experiences), and introduce our educational programs to students who might consider our advanced training program in the future.

Please let us know what would work best for your classroom:

1.) Send the prints and schedule a ZOOM program with one of our Master Printers to lead a discussion in real time. Email for Option 1 >

2.) Send the prints with brief curriculum for the professor to lead a discussion. Email for Option 2 >

3.) Send the prints and have a Tamarind Master Printer attend your class for an in-person discussion. Let us know if your program could host this visit including travel. We may have the option to send one of our Master Printers from Tamarind or connect you with a Tamarind-trained printer in your area. Email for Option 3 >

Print portfolios would be available for a period of two weeks, and FedEx shipping labels for the next destination would be provided free of charge.

Recent Projects with Our Students

Dora Raiz Chavarria, Xochiquetzal, 2023 (23-810)
Luis Fitch, Dessert at the End, 2023 (23-808)
Lithograph by Eric Garcia
Eric J. Garcia, Primo Jose, 2021 (21-802)
Lithograph by Gaby Hernandez
Gaby Hernandez Nuestra Tierra Trans – honoring the lives and growth of trans immigrants, 2021 (21-801)
Lithograph by Szu-Han Ho - detail
Szu-Han Ho, If We Burn, 2021 (21-804)
Lithograph by Jane Lackey
Jane Lackey, Schema, 2021 (21-803)
Zahra Marwan
Zahra Marwan, My Mom’s Three Sisters, Loud and Unafraid, 2021 (21-805)
Lithograph by Gaby Hernandez
Juliana Kirwin, Ancestral Landscape, 2023 (23-811)
Lithograph by Szu-Han Ho - detail
Lena Kassicieh, Above the Palms (Foq-Al-Nahkel), 2023 (23-809)