Videos from Tamarind
Tamarind is fortunate to have a steady stream of video interns from the UNM Film & Digital Arts program. The Student Impressions series has been produced over the years by interns. In addition, Tamarind collaborates with filmmaker Melinda Frame of FRAME+WORK, LLC for documentary short films on the workshop, including Tamarind Printers Around The World.
Tamarind Techniques
This series of videos is a how-to on five techniques applied in lithography. Narrated by Tamarind's education director, Brandon Gunn.
Tamarind Printers Around the World
Four distinct workshop models used by Tamarind-trained Printers in four different countries. Created by Tamarind Director Emerita Marjorie Devon, with filmmaker Melinda Frame of FRAME+WORK, LLC.
Student Impressions
Profiles on Tamarind students as they enter the Tamarind one-year program, explaining why they chose to study at Tamarind.
2018 Wonder Cabinet
Precision and Imagination, a weekend-long Wonder Cabinet, pitched squarely along the borderlands between Art & Science Sponsored by the Frederick Hammersley Foundation Hosted by Tamarind Institute.
Frederick Hammersley Foundation Artist Talks
Matthew Shlian, R. Luke Dubois, and Danielle Orchard are the first artists awarded the Frederick Hammersley artist residency.
66 Mile Radius: Three New Mexico Artists at Tamarind Institute
Tamarind Institute presents a documentary highlighting a series of collaborations with three New Mexico artists, who all live and work within a 66-mile radius of the workshop. Each artist, Nina Elder, Tom Miller, and Judy Tuwaletstiwa, represent a unique response to New Mexico history, landscape, and culture. Created by filmmaker Melinda Frame of FRAME+WORK, LLC.

Behind Closed Drawers
Behind Closed Drawers is a new and ongoing series of up close and personal print viewings from Tamarind’s vast inventory and archive. Additional videos are on the way, so make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.