Donald Sultan

b. 1951 in Asheville, NC; lives in New York, NY

Painter/printmaker Donald Sultan is known for his distinctive subjects and non-traditional materials. His use of black as a resonant, eloquent presence runs throughout his studio practice in large-scale paintings of disasters, and intimate renderings of velvety black flowers.

Sultan works and reworks the imagery in multiple media and varying scale. At Tamarind, he created a series of black flowers and a series of colorful buttons. While the everyday subjects are readily recognizable, he maintains that the resulting images hold the potential for abstraction.

Sultan is represented in museum collections around the world, including Museum of Modern Art, New York; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; the Reina Sofia in Madrid; the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; and Tate Modern, London.

Donald Sultan. Photo courtesy of Phyllis Rose.


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