Apprentice Printer Research PapersFemale Printers of Tamarind Institute: Apprentice Printer Research 2019
Christine Adams (TMP 2019) presents an overview of Tamarind’s history of admitting women printers into its Printer Training Program. The internationally recognized training program started with the opening of Tamarind Lithography Workshop in 1960, yet the first woman to complete the training was Judith Solodkin in 1974. Adams delves into correspondence and records in the Tamarind Archive, held by the UNM Center for Southwest Research, and considers the broad social context for the workshop’s practices.
Tamarind Research: Photoplate Lithography Additive Mark Making: An Alternative Approach by Mike Feijen
Mike Feijen (Tamarind Apprentice Printer, 2019-2020) chose to research the addition and deletion of drawing materials on photolithography plates post-processing. His research explores a process of transforming a plate into a shellac base, and uncovers some new procedures, and the ability to reuse the photo plate.
Tamarind Research: False Transfer Method: Non-Printable & Non-Interfering Matrix-to-Matrix Transfers for Multi-Run Registration in Traditional Stone and Plate Lithography by Perry Obee
Perry Obee (Tamarind Apprentice Printer 2019-2020) researched false transfers, a transfer technique that allows a design from one matrix to be transferred to another as a non-grease receptive (ie non-printing) transfer. This gives the artist the ability to draw directly on top of a previous design while knowing exactly how the new layer will register.