Susan York

Susan York

Susan York  b. 1951 in Newport, RI; lives in Santa Fe, NM Susan York, Achromatopsia 1 (yellow) (orange) (red), 2015 (15-308,a,b) $7,250.00 Susan York, Achromatopsia 1 (red), 2015 (15-308b) $2,750.00 Susan York, Achromatopsia 1 (orange), 2015 (15-308a)...
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith b. 1940 on the Flathead Reservation, Montana; lives in Corrales, New Mexico Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. Photo by Thomas King, Cherokee author. As a child growing up on the Flathead Reservation, Quick-to-See Smith would carry around small...
Nicola López

Nicola López

Nicola López Born in Santa Fe, NM; lives in Brooklyn, NY Nicola López, Spectre, 2017 (17-312) $1,200.00 Nicola López, Parasites, Prosthetics, Parallels, and Partners (2), 2017 (17-326) $4,500.00 Nicola López, Parasites, Prosthetics, Parallels, and Partners...
Scott Greene

Scott Greene

Scott Greene b.1958 in Denver, Colorado; lives in Bernalillo, New Mexico Scott Greene, Invasive Species, 2018 (18-320) $500.00 A longtime resident of New Mexico, painter/printmaker Scott Greene received his BFA in painting at California College of the Arts, and...
Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago born in 1939 in Chicago, IL; lives in Belen, NM Judy Chicago, In Praise of Prairie Dogs, 2019 (19-325) $8,000.00 During the summer of 2019, feminist icon, artist, writer, and educator Judy Chicago was in the workshop collaborating with Master Printer...