September 14, 2019


During Tamarind’s WIN/WIN, the evening of September 14, guests will be able to bid on these incredible Silent Auction Lots. Those who cannot attend the WIN/WIN will be able to send in bidding instructions and participate via a proxy. Minimum bids are listed for each item, alongside the details for each work. You do not need a WIN/WIN ticket to participate in the Silent Auction.

To participate remotely
1. Please call in advance with your credit card information and we will assisgn a BIDDING NUMBER to you. BIDDING NUMBERS must be obtained before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 at 5 pm MST.
3. Complete the worksheet (click the form to download and print), indicating a maximum bid. Include notes if you have a preference in lots (example: This bid only applies if I do not win Lot #3.)
4. Sign the worksheet and email to tamarind@unm.edu before SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 at 4:30 pm MST

* Worksheets without a BIDDING NUMBER will not be accepted. Any worksheets emailed after 4:30 pm  MST may not be considered.


Tamarind Caps designed by a few of our favorite artists

Bidding starts at $25; increments of $10
Out-0f-town participants may include a bid for these gems, via the Silent Auction Bidding Form

Michael Krueger

Mark Mulroney

Matt Magee

Xylor Jane

Rashaad Newsome

Hung Liu

Hung Liu

Matthew Shlian

Contact Tamarind Institute

10 + 10 =